Howard County’s 3rd Annual

Asian American and Pacific Islander Festival


Thank you to everyone who joined us for this year’s AAPI Festival!! We will have pictures up later this week, along with more information about the amazing performances that were the highlight of the event!

County Executive Calvin Ball and the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Commission, in partnership with the Inner Arbor Trust, is thrilled to invite you to the 3rd annual AAPI Festival, celebrating the vibrant cultures, traditions, and contributions of the Asian American and Pacific Islander community in Howard County and beyond.

Performance Schedule

演出时间表 公演スケジュール

ဖျော်ဖြေရေးတင်ဆက်မှု အချိန်ဇယား

開演時刻表 लिंक 공연 일정

Drop in Taichi during Act Breaks at 2:00, 3:00, and 4:00

Vendors and Food Trucks 商户与参展方

ရောင်းချသူများနှင့် ပြပွဲပြသသူမျာ供貨商與參展商

विक्रेता और प्रदर्शक 공급업체 및 참가업체 ベンダーと出展者

food trucks


Vendors and Exhibitors