County Executive Calvin Ball, In partnership with the Inner Arbor Trust presents the Hispanic heritage festival
Jonathan Acosta, La Nueva Voz de América
Jonathan Acosta, renowned Venezuelan singer-songwriter, is famous for having composed the musical work #ANIMOVENEZUELA which later became a motivational campaign inside and outside Venezuela. Jonathan interprets themes of his authorship and also interprets the best of traditional Latin and Hispanic music, that has allowed him to group people of different ages and nationalities in each concert as a form of family and cultural integration. His charisma and talent are unique. Jonathan Acosta has composed songs known to the public, has one of the most prominent voices in America, performs the "Venezuelan Four" and the Violin. He combines his music with motivational messages that stimulate the integration of families and the socio-cultural development of nations.
Jonathan Acosta, reconocido cantautor venezolano, es famoso por haber compuesto la obra musical #ANIMOVENEZUELA que luego se convirtió en una campaña motivacional dentro y fuera de Venezuela. Jonathan interpreta temas de su autoría y también interpreta lo mejor de la música tradicional latina e hispana, eso le ha permitido agrupar a personas de diferentes edades y nacionalidades en cada concierto como una forma de integración familiar y cultural. Su carisma y talento son únicos. Jonathan Acosta ha compuesto canciones conocidas por el público, tiene una de las voces más destacadas de América, interpreta los “Cuatro Venezolanos” y el Violín. Combina su música con mensajes motivacionales que estimulan la integración de las familias y el desarrollo sociocultural de las naciones.
Verny Varela
Verny Varela is an arranger, composer, singer and flutist who holds a bachelor's degree in music from the Universidad del Valle in Colombia and M.A. in Afro Hispanic Studies from Howard University in Washington, DC. Born in Cali and raised in the "Barrio Obrero," Verny started singing and playing with his father's band, "El Nuevo Son." In 1997, Verny became the lead singer in the Gabino Pampini Band, and later toured Europe and the U.S. with Tito Gomez. Verny co-wrote, arranged and released his newest album "Gracias." The song of this album "Fuiste Tu" is already a hit in Cali, Colombia. He studied jazz for 2 years at the University of District of Columbia. Currently, Verny Varela is a teacher from Howard University and Eagle Academy School.
Verny Varela es un arreglista, compositor, cantante y flautista que tiene una licenciatura en música de la Universidad del Valle en Colombia y una maestría en Estudios Afrohispánicos de la Universidad Howard en Washington, DC. Nacido en Cali y criado en el "Barrio Obrero", Verny comenzó a cantar y tocar con la banda de su padre, "El Nuevo Son". En 1997, Verny se convirtió en el cantante principal de la Banda Gabino Pampini y luego realizó una gira por Europa y Estados Unidos con Tito Gómez. Verny coescribió, arregló y lanzó su nuevo álbum "Gracias". La canción de este disco "Fuiste Tu" ya es un éxito en Cali, Colombia. Estudió jazz durante 2 años en la Universidad del Distrito de Columbia. Actualmente, Verny Varela es docente de la Universidad Howard y de la Escuela Eagle Academy.
Cultura Plenera is a non-profit organization dedicated to community building in Maryland, Washington, D.C. and Virginia areas through the traditional Puerto Rican musical styles of Bomba and Plena. Bomba is a Puerto Rican musical genre that dates back more than 300 years, has heavy African influences, and expresses the sentiments of Puerto Ricans and their culture through barrel drums, maraca, cúa, singer and dancers. Plena is another Puerto Rican musical genre, which dates back more than 100 years, and also narrates stories of the Puerto Rican experience through hand drums, güiro and singers. Both Bomba y Plena are central to life in Puerto Rican communities inside and outside of the island.
Cultura Plena es una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a la construcción de comunidades en las áreas de Maryland, Washington, D.C. y Virginia a través de los estilos musicales tradicionales puertorriqueños de Bomba y Plena. Bomba es un género musical puertorriqueño que data de hace más de 300 años, tiene fuertes influencias africanas y expresa los sentimientos de los puertorriqueños y su cultura a través de tambores de barril, maraca, cúa, cantantes y bailarines. Plena es otro género musical puertorriqueño, que data de hace más de 100 años, y también narra historias de la experiencia puertorriqueña a través de tambores, güiro y cantantes. Tanto Bomba como Plena son fundamentales para la vida de las comunidades puertorriqueñas dentro y fuera de la isla.
Folklore Sin Fronteras HC
Folklore without borders: the group is made up of women who present traditional Latin American dances! Ecuador Sanjuanito, popular dance of the Ecuadorian Sierra. Cumbia: Colombian popular dance.
Folclore sin fronteras: ¡el grupo está formado por mujeres que presentan danzas tradicionales latinoamericanas! Ecuador Sanjuanito, danza popular de la sierra ecuatoriana. Cumbia: baile popular colombiano.
Grupo Folklorico Vida y Salud
Un grupo de mujeres emprendedoras y amas de casa, que les gusta fomentar la cultura regional de nuestros paises a travez del baile.
A group of women who like to promote and show the different cultures of our countries through dance.
Ballet Folklorico Boliviano Nuestras Raíces
Performing the Bolivia Morenada a dance that was inspired by the sufferings of the African slaves brought to Bolivia in order to work in the silver mines of Potosi, Bolivia.
Realizando la Morenada de Bolivia, una danza inspirada en los sufrimientos de los esclavos africanos traídos a Bolivia para trabajar en las minas de plata de Potosí, Bolivia.
Yami Garcia
Vocalist Yami Garcia, a favorite local performer.
La vocalista Yami García, una artista local favorita.
Food Trucks and Booths
Vendors and exhibitors
Howard County Department of Human Resources
Howard County Department of Public Works
Howard County Department of Community Resources
Lourdes Fabiola Marín
Space No. Espacio No.
Load In Zone Carga en zona
Exhibitor / Vendor - Expositor / Vendedor
1 Howard County Office of the County Executive
2 Howard Community College
4 League of Women Voters of Howard County
5 Shop Wabi-Sabi
6 Fatima Perez
7 Luminus Network
8 Agrolawn Inc.
9 The Santiago Carrera Realtor Group
10 Howard County Department of Community Resources and Services
11 Howard County HR
12 Howard County Police Department
13 Howard County Public Works
14 Howard County Sheriff Office
15 Howard County Department of Fire & Rescue Services
16 X40Designs
17 Howard County Democratic Central Committee
18 Color Street
19 Pasión de la Piel
20 Comparion Insurance Agency
21 La Allianza Latina
22 Howard County Office of Human Rights and Equity
23 Twin Valley Distillery
24 Lourdes Fabiola Marín
25 Living Wellness Chiropractic
26 Makin’ It Hers
Hispanic Heritage Festival Site Map and Vendors/Exhibitors
27 Columbia Community Care
28 Sandy boutique
30 Howard County Republican Party Central Committee
31 Tatiana Calderon - Keller Williams Realty Partners
32 Latin American Motorcycle Association of Baltimore
33 Antojitos express
34 Vegan Soul Bakery
35 Pipilinka Peruvian Charbroiled Chicken
36 Orinoco Coffee and Tea
37 Big J Salvadoran & Guatemalan Food
38 AppleCore's Bake Shoppe
39 Flair Cuisine LLC
40 Rosa Salas
42 Pacha Mama Juice Co
44 Monkey Crunchies
45 Stay Rooted Empanadas Cafe
46 Wecraftcakes
48 Oh My Cookies! LLC
Learn More About La Alianza Latina Commission
In October 2022, the County Executive and the County Council voted to establish La Alianza Latina Commission in order to continuing the work of advancing policy and systemic change for the uplift of Latino families, businesses, and residents. The Commission consists of 16 voting members and 2 student non-voting members. Each appointed member was appointed by the County Executive and confirmed by the County Council. La Alianza Latina Commission meets bi-monthly beginning on January 24, 2023.